Report a dead animal in a public place, including sidewalks, highways, and parks.
Report a problem with water, odor, taste, discolor, and illness caused by drinking water. Learn about water quality and building water tank inspections.
Report water flowing through a sewer outfall pipe during dry weather.
Report a problem with a fire hydrant.
Report trash in a waterway. Learn about reducing floatables and other trash in waterways.
Report no water, water pressure, or temperature problems.
Report a problem with a private, on-site sewage disposal system (septic or cesspool).
Report a condition at a private solid waste transfer station.
Report standing water outdoors during Mosquito Season.
Report noise or a bad smell from a wastewater treatment plant, sewage treatment plant, or pumping station.
Report the use of too much water.
Report water leaking into an apartment, public area of a residential building, or basement. Learn how to prevent leaks.
Report floating debris, oil, gasoline, sewage, or unusual color in a waterway.