Get information or make a complaint about paratransit transportation for people with disabilities.
Get help for an adult age 18 or older who has mental or physical disabilities or make a complaint about Adult Protective Services.
Report a problem with an assisted living facility or adult home.
Apply for, renew, or report a problem with a New York City Parking Permit for People with Disabilities.
Learn how people with disabilities can get help with accessing City programs and services. Report a building or public space that is not accessible.
Report discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, and by members of the public.
Report any type of harassment, including sexual harassment, cat calling, and voyeurism.
Report a hate crime.
Report a problem with home care services.
Report a problem with public school services for students with disabilities.
Apply for, renew, or report a problem with a New York State Parking Permit for People with Disabilities.