Learn about adult day care services for mentally or physically impaired seniors.
Report a problem with an assisted living facility or adult home.
Get benefit and entitlement counseling for people age 60 and older, or report a problem with a case assistance or case management agency.
Report abuse or neglect of a senior age 60 or older.
Report a heat problem in a commercial or public school building.
Report a problem with home care services.
Schedule, cancel, or report a problem with home delivery of meals for people age 60 and older.
Get a lawyer referral, free legal services, and answers to questions about the law and courts.
Report from a Post Office worker of accumulated mail in a senior or disabled person's mailbox.
Make a complaint about social services provided in a Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC).
Report a problem with a nursing home care.
Report a problem with a senior center.
Learn about legal service providers that provide free legal assistance specifically for seniors.
Learn about transportation options for people age 60 and older. Make a complaint about a senior transportation provider.